favorite sites...

Here are some websites I enjoy : )

The Civilized Caveman Cooking has recipes and a really decent basic explanation of paleo and American food culture.

Everyday Paleo is awesome! I might buy her book : ) She has great perspective- from a mom- and makes a lot of kid friendly recipes.

Fat-Head movie by Tom Naughton was very interesting. (this is his site) Not only does he give great/simple explanations to why things are the way they are but he also has a lot of low carb recipes and other interesting stuff on the site.
Paleomg is a super fun site! She has the best selection of sugar free and paleo approved desserts, which is awesome.

Nerd Fitness is great!! Steve has a really creative way of showing you the facts. He is a little quirky but funny and he also has recipes and great links for more info on paleo and other food things. Good motivation too!

Mark's daily apple is a cool site. His tag line says, Primal living in the modern world. Which I think is cool. He has tons of motivational things, recipes and more!

Paleo lifestyle diet is kind of self explanatory... but it is a nice site, easy to navigate. It has tons of recipes and much more!

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